• Jiu Jitsu

  • Women

  • Life

  • Mother’s Day 2023

    I don’t have any pictures of Mother’s Day last year. I had hurt my neck that week, had only just found out what I’d actually done to it, and was in immense pain. It was the beginning of my sleepless nights, maxing my luck out at just 2-3 hours of sleep each night. I was at the point where I still assumed I’d be okay in just a few days,…

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  • Constant Growth

    If you like being comfortable, martial arts is not for you. If you like to settle into the confident feeling that you’ve got it all figured out, Jiu Jitsu may need to be scratched off your list of things to try.  However…if you like to constantly find growth, this is where it’s at. If you can learn to allow your ego to be popped on the regular, allowing it to…

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  • The Time I Unhealthily Made My Favorite Body…

    This is one of my favorite athletic pictures of myself. This picture represents an image of my body that I dreamed about my entire life. In many ways, I was so strong. I podiumed in this race, and I built some solid strength, endurance, and killer perseverance. I LOVED how my body LOOKED.  BUT…I know the full story behind my favorite “look.” I was overtrained. By a lot. I didn’t…

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  • The Best Growth Year Ever

    It’s been a year since I first developed anxiety in Jiu Jitsu. The battle against anxiety was promptly followed up by a major neck injury that kept me on the sidelines (and still recovering).  It would be easy to write this year off as terrible. Easy. Most people end the year by saying something along the lines of how terrible their year was anyway, I could easily fall in line.…

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  • Reframing The”I Can’t’s”

    I can’t’s are easy. They make it easy to dismiss the task at hand. Easy to quit. Easy to move on and forget about it. Easy to do and complete.  But. “I can’t’s” inhibit growth. They divert your attention. They help you feel good about your decision to not push forward and figure it out. They keep you right where you are. No growth.  Sometimes “I can’t’s” just need to…

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  • Have You Ever Lost?

    Winning is cool and all, but have you ever tried losing? It was some years ago that I lost my first match ever. I had won every fight I had done up until that point in time (in Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu both), and I was confident that this amateur match would amount to me winning yet another.   Then I lost.  Two weeks later, when the emotional rollercoaster…

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