Category: Coaching

2 Posts

  • Coaches have Coaches-Weird!

    Have you ever watched your own coach learn? I’m not just talking about just your daily learning through teaching and interacting with people like we all do or even through a seminar or whatever, but I’m talking about your coach, taking a class from HIS OWN coach? Have you ever watched that? . I can’t even put my finger on why this was such an interesting experience for me, but…

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  • A Coach’s (Sometimes Annoying) Role

    Sometimes I get annoyed at my Jiu jistu coach. He says things like, “you did great, but you’re not using your pressure like you should.” Or “that looked really good, but you still aren’t doing x.” And I always think, “you should’ve just stopped after the good part.” And yet, he continues to do it. Over, and over, and over again. . And then I remember-he’s not my coach because…

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